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Hi, I’m Mohit, a Software Engineer at Bloomberg LP. I have worked on improving Distributed Systems, led Mobile Development, and I have a strong interest in building scalable solutions to solve complex problems.
I am currently working as a Software Engineer at Bloomberg LP. As a Masters in Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech, I worked on researching protocols that power Distributed Systems like Cloud and Blockchains for high throughput, global scalability, five 9’s of availability in the presence of crashes and malicious behavior. My thesis introduced a new Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Geo-Replication Protocol with numbers that achieve 3.5x over industry standards.
Before joining Virginia Tech, I worked for three years at Indus Valley Partners which provides award-winning software solutions for the Hedge Fund Industry. My love for Mobile First motivated me to help set up an iOS development team. We created Nebula a secure, highly customisable iPad application which enables Hedge Fund managers to study their analytics on the move. Working on this platform made for a rich understanding of framework conventions, best practices, memory management, and development tools. I also learned a lot about Finance and fell in love with Cryptography as a means to secure highly sensitive data.
I have since found passion and has worked on distributed data processing and search technologies such as Kafka, Hadoop,Elasticsearch.
Check out some of my Projects for more. :)
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